Warm Water Saving Services
Heat Saving Services
Residential Buildings



242 flats in 19 buildings are equipped with the service. In Stadtallendorf approximately 90% of tenants have a migrant background from Turkey. Most of them are employed or are former workers of the nearby chocolate factories. The majority of them came to Germany more than 30 years ago and stayed here after retiring. The level of education is relatively low.

The energy awareness service for tenants consists of a web portal to check and control their heating and warm water consumption. It contains tips for energy saving and is available in German and Turkish. The energy management service addresses the issue of energy losses. The transport from production to consumer (tenant) leads to higher energy consumption and costs for tenants. Hence, a better management can save energy and costs for tenants. The Energy Management Service monitors and controls the domestic hot water and heating system for early fault detection and supports general management including maintenance.



For more details visit the eeMeasure tool and the esesh deliverable D7.2 also covering qualitative surveys.



Tenants can see whether their pre-payments are in line with their actual costs of energy consumption. Monthly reports summarising the energy consumption of the tenant are generated automatically by the energy web portal and send to tenant by email. On request: monthly report via regular mail summarising the energy consumption of the tenant


Data is compared with actual seasonal meteorological data and benchmark values recorded over a long period of time to offer indicators / values for better operation of the heating system. Total consumption of tenants on building & property level compared to supply. In case of high energy consumption, malfunctions alerts are sent to service staff. Monthly reports summarising the energy consumption are generated automatically and send to service staff. Other features: Heating-ECG document which provides immediate recommendation for the optimisation of the heating system



The business case for Frankfurt is sound and tenants benefit immediately. The measurement provider benefits within a brief period whilst the introduction of esesh allows for an even faster amortisation of the strategic decision for ICT-based sub-metering. The housing provider needs to wait a few years for an economic pay-off but benefits in the long run from reduced maintenance costs, higher rents and longer rental periods due to the reduction of conflicts.


Unternehmensgruppe Nassauische Heimstätte / Wohnstadt (NH): The Nassauische Heimstätte / Wohnstadt group offers services for living, building and development. For over 85 years, the company has been partner for institutional and private clients in their associated companies. NH is pilot cluster manager for Frankfurt. The experience collected enables NH to integrate another functional element into the tenant portal and hereby offering the tenants transparency about costs. Moreover, the ems will contribute to keeping maintenance low and hereby ensure that energy bills and utility costs can be kept at a minimum. ista: As a worldwide service provider ista’s strategy is to develop products and services across Europe. The solutions need to be piloted and developed with key clients and their tenants in order to launch them to the mass market effectively. Therefore, solutions need to be customer oriented (e.g. user-friendly and with cost-benefit). ista’s strategy is to increase competitiveness by optimising hardware and service development investments, as well as speed up “time-to-market”. ista is a energy service company focusing on sustainable energy efficiency solutions. With esesh it is able to develop and pilot innovative solutions using a scientific and structured approach. The platform to share experiences with other companies across Europe is unique.



Nassauische Heimstätte/ Wohnstadt (NH) offers services for living, building and development.


DomData AG Sp. z o.o. has been engaged in activities connected with the benchmarking of running costs for housing companies.


ista Deutschland GmbH is the world’s leading company in metering and billing of energy, water and ancillary costs (entire process chain).