Contact / Imprint¶
Please cite as: Vogt, G. et al, ICT-enabled Energy Efficiency Services in Buildings: ‘Guide for Replication’,
Authors contributing (in alphabetical order): Strahil Birov, Eriona Dashja, Karsten Gareis, Werner B.Korte, Klaus Piesche, Georg Vogt, Mira Zöller.
Phone: +49 228 98530 0 – Fax: +49 228 98530 12
Email: energy(at)empirica(dot)com
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Any use is only permitted with explicit reference to the “empirica - Gesellschaft für Kommunikations- und Technologieforschung mbH” and cited as indicated. Any re-use must be explicitly agreed with empirica GmbH. Any attributions to external work such as icons, EC etc. must be kept as they are.
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