
The Guide will categorise systems in two services. The edss induces energy savings by human interaction. The ems achieves savings by optimising systems. Stakeholders can choose from a wide range of features most suitable for their building type / portfolio.

Energy Decision Support and Awareness Service (edss

The Energy Decision Support and Awareness Service (edss) provide advice and guidance for optimising energy consumption of facilities and optimal energy consumption behaviour to professionals responsible for building operation, to staff building users and to visitors. Feedback is based on metering current energy consumption and automatic comparison of historic data, norms and simulation enabling humans to act in unconditional or conditional manner:

  • Conditional actions are specific optimisations of consumption anomalies occurring without obvious patterns over time. Energy savings are achieved, for instance, by correction of failures, approaching individuals causing consumption spikes and optimising procedures to prevent the event. Typically, conditional actions require regular data updates and push messages enabling professionals and keen individuals to search for the cause.
  • Unconditional actions are generic optimisations of installations and day-to-day behaviour. Energy savings are achieved, for instance, as soon the change is made to installations (e.g. retro-fitting) and behaviour is adopted. Typically, unconditional actions require long-term assessment such as benchmarks allowing the provision of generic advice, training and consulting.

For more information see either the introduction to Service Features or analyse UML/BPMN documentation of individual Use Cases.

Energy Management Services (ems)

Fully integrated Energy Management Services (ems) comprise ICT-based systems able to directly switch, control and adjust a range of energy consuming systems and devices. Advanced management systems anticipate future conditions and / or optimise outcomes outside the envelope. Three levels can be distinguished: * It takes conditions in attached / neighbouring installations into account and manages these or coordinates with these systems across buildings. * It anticipates future conditions and (incrementally) adjusts settings to achieve an overall optimal result within one building. * It considers conditions in the grid and uses it’s “capacity” with actions benefiting the overall state of the grid.

For more information see either the introduction to Service Features or analyse UML/BPMN documentation of individual Use Cases.