Heat Saving Services
Residential Buildings



The pilot site Kapelaan Francklaan consists of 67 flats. A web portal is offered to the social tenants to check and control their energy consumption for heating, gas, hot water, electricity and cold water. The web portal offers the possibility to evaluate trends in their energy consumption and behaviour and allows the tenants to compare their energy consumption in relation to other social tenants and similar household profiles. Additionally, the web portal offers the opportunity to set consumption targets for the next year.


Zonnige Kempen has both individual as well as collective heating systems in place. As the collective systems are spread over eleven towns, the possibility for remote interaction with the systems will be included in the web portal for professional use (Energy Management Service) reducing energy wastage in social housing. The esesh solution provides Zonnige Kempen with an overview over energy behaviour of its tenants.



For more details visit the eeMeasure tool and the esesh deliverable D7.2 also covering qualitative surveys.



Tenants can fix their energy consumption objective separately for gas, electricity and water.


On request an energy coach visits the tenant in his/her home and explains the service as well as giving tips for changing settings and/or behaviour in order to save energy. On request an energy coach visits the tenant in his/her home and explains the service as well as giving tips for changing settings and/or behaviour in order to save energy.



The business case for Westerlo foresees a long-term change of internal processes and relationship with tenants. Additional implementation costs play a minor role which ensures that operative optimisation pay off quickly. Particular to the case is empowerment of tenants in energy, as well as ensuring that all tenants with access to esesh also have access to the internet.


Zonnige Kempen aims to provide tenants with sustainable buildings which are well insulated (reducing demand), and equipped with efficient installations including solar energy or condensate boilers. By monitoring the present, conclusions will be drawn for future decisions and to inform its tenants about saving potentials. esesh helps to improve the effectiveness of awareness campaigns as it will be possible to address the heavy tenants with high energy consumption personally. Porta Capena provides technical solutions and data visualisation. This project enables Porta Capena to meet a new market. Porta Capena will continue testing new technical solution making use of available data and implemented smart metering.



Zonnige Kempen was established in 1963 and is the youngest social housing company in Flanders. Zonnige Kempen offers affordable as well as sustainable and energy-efficient social housing to low income tenants.


Porta Capena was founded in 2001 as an international team of professionals from Belgium and Poland with vast experience in electronic engineering, databases, web-design, soft- and hardware. Porta Capena co-operates with Zonnige Kempen for all IT-related matters at the Westerlo pilot site.