Water Saving Services
Warm Water Saving Services
Electricity Saving Services
Residential Buildings



In esesh, the pilot sites Millot, Brissac, la Roseraie, Eventard, Mongazon and le Haut de Chêne consist of 993 dwellings in 15 buildings. The approach of the housing provider LTA is to propose an integrated service to tenants. The service focuses on simple and client-friendly awareness and management services through IT and load-shedding providers.

The buildings are equipped with collective heating system and the project implemented an internet portal for the heating provider and the social housing staff in order to help optimising the operation (hydraulic balancing and temperature control) of the collective heating system. Thanks to better knowledge of temperatures in representative flats, the staff has a better overview of the way the building is heated and can adapt the balancing and the temperature control. This portal also presents a real time monitoring of the water meters to alert in case of anomalies or if leaks appear.



For more details visit the eeMeasure tool and the esesh deliverable D7.2 also covering qualitative surveys.


To login please use the following information: Username: gaspille, Password: demo201101

The portal is currently offline.


Tenants can fix their energy consumption objective separately for water and electricity for the month introducing it in [€]. Monthly report via email summarising the energy consumption of the tenant. On request an energy coach studies the electric and water bill and consumption to identify possible improvements and discusses and develops an action plan with the tenant. On the website some tips are included in order to carry out electricity and water savings at home. Brochures with advices for saving electricity and water are distributed.


In addition to the energy awareness service for tenants, the pilot site in Angers develops an internet portal for the heating provider and the social housing staff in order to help optimising the operation (hydraulic balancing and temperature control) of the collective heating system. Thanks to a better knowledge of the temperatures in representative flats, the staff has a better overview of the way the building is heated and can consequently adapt the balancing and the temperature control. This technical portal also presents a real time monitoring of the water meters to alert in case of anomalies or if a leak appears.



The business case for Angers is driven by the IT and measurement providers Effineo and Voltalis with excellent investments return for the Energy Management Services. Added to this implementation, the absolute investment return is still relevant for the tenant’s charges reduction, provided that LTA replaces the renting water meters by buying them. Nevertheless, the current French legislation does not permit LTA to collect tenant contribution to this investment. The Energy Awareness Service business model is not confirmed for a social housing provider such as LTA, because of already low levels of consumptions and relatively low utilisation rates. Nevertheless, because the investment cost is not so important once having implemented the ems’s device, other considerations of competitive market, notoriety of the company, should convince housing providers to implement it.


LTA is aware of the importance of money saving for their tenants, and especially in an energy cost growing context. For these reasons and in order to limit the unpaid bills, LTA has taken the opportunity with the project esesh to implement the energy tools in the residential sector. From the experience gained in the project, LTA wants to develop heating management service for collective systems and promote the development of load-shedding devices in their electric buildings. As a complementary action, LTA will continue to propose an edss for the buildings located in a competitive market, which more generally contribute to LTA’s notoriety for saving energy and new-technology use.

EFFINEO operator of energy-efficiency services in Multi Dwelling Units, with emphasis on social housing. Effineo’s mission is to offer a bundle of energy-efficiency services to the building owners as well as web-based near real time energy monitoring to the residents.

VOLTALIS is the European leading operator of demand-response power plants. Voltalis wants to continue deploying the BluePod in European dwellings in order to increase market share. Voltalis still sees opportunities in France to invest in Blue-Pod devices and to develop load-shedding further, in return for RTE (network of electric transport) remuneration.
