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Any use of the list below must reference empirica GmbH.


Conversion factors put units into relation taking national differences into account allowing for comparison or representation of values (and the related consumption) to a wide range of users.

This category is referenced with the capital “CU” or “8”.

R8.1. Energy Factors (CENF)

Specifies the following requirements associated with the conversion of units to a standardised unit to allow for comparison between different sources of energy. Background: The amount of energy or carbon dioxide carried is not equal across varying resources. Conversion factors are used to compare impact and / or efficiency.

R8.1.1 Electricity-National Grid per / for 1 kg on average for the national grid R8.1.2 Electricity-Supplier per / for 1 kg on average for the contracted supplier R8.1.3 Electricity-Coal per / for 1 kg R8.1.4 Electricity-Gas per / for 1 m³ R8.1.5 Electricity-Oil per / for 1 litre R8.1.6 Electricity-Nuclear per / for 1 kWh R8.1.7 Electricity-Solar per / for 1 kWh R8.1.8 Electricity-Wind per / for 1 kWh R8.1.9 Electricity-CHP per / for 1 kWh R8.1.10 Electricity-TriGeneration per / for 1 kWh R8.1.11 Electricity-Other Please give examples or enter new class at the bottom. R8.1.12 Gas-National Grid per / for 1 m³ on average for the national grid R8.1.13 Gas-Supplier per / for 1 m³ on average for the contracted supplier R8.1.14 Gas-Natural per / for 1 m³ R8.1.15 Gas-Fracking per / for 1 m³ R8.1.16 Gas-Bio per / for 1 m³ R8.1.17 Gas-Other Please give examples or enter new class at the bottom. R8.1.18 Oil-Diesel per / for 1 litre R8.1.19 Oil-Fuel (fossil) per / for 1 litre R8.1.20 Oil-Fuel (tar sand) per / for 1 litre R8.1.21 Oil-Fuel (bio) per / for 1 litre R8.1.22 Oil-Other Please give examples or enter new class at the bottom. R8.1.23 Heat-District Heating per / for 1 kWh R8.1.24 Heat-CHP per / for 1 kWh R8.1.25 Heat-TriGeneration per / for 1 kWh R8.1.26 Heat-Solar per / for 1 kWh R8.1.27 Heat-Other Please give examples or enter new class at the bottom.

R8.4. Prices (CPRI)

Specifies the price or value of one resource unit in terms of currency. If you produce energy, please state the value as to national regulation. If the value should be a sum or other, please comment to the right. The entire topic will be covered in more detail in the course of viability assessment in WP8. However, we need some values to start with.

R8.4.1 Electricity per kWh R8.4.2 Electricity-Solar produced per kWh R8.4.3 Electricity-Wind produced per kWh R8.4.4 Electricity-CHP produced per kWh R8.4.5 Electricity-TriGeneration produced per kWh R8.4.6 Diesel per litre R8.4.7 Oil per litre R8.4.8 Gas per m³ R8.4.9 Heat-District Heating per kWh R8.4.10 Heat-CHP per kWh R8.4.11 Heat-TriGeneration per kWh R8.4.12 Cold-TriGeneration per kWh R8.4.13 Water-cold per m³ R8.4.14 Water-warm per m³ R8.4.15 Water-grey per m³; in some countries using grey water safes not only water costs but also payments for sewage/drain water R8.4.16 CO2 per tonne (1000kg)