Editable files for UML, BPMN and an interactive Excel tool to collect, prioritise and trace requirements (by Use Case) is available at empirica.
Any use of the list below must reference empirica GmbH.
Professional (P) / Tenant (T)¶
Tenant (T) is listed as a potential addressee as he/she is the master of their own home.
Use Cases and Process Models in this category are referenced with “P”.
P/T - List of Scenarios¶
- Manage Content (UC_P_MCO)
- Add Content (UC_P_MCO_ADD)
- Update Content (UC_P_MCO_UPD)
- Delete Content (UC_P_MCO_DEL)
- Building Administration (UC_P_BAD)
- Add New User (UC_P_BAD_ADD)
- Edit User (UC_P_BAD_EDI)
- Manage Alarms (UC_P_BAD_ALA)
- Update Building Configuration (UC_P_BAD_UBC)
- Manage Schedules (UC_P_BAD_SCH)
- Metering Equipment Administration (UC_P_BAD_MEA)
- Register new Metering Equipment (UC_P_BAD_MEA_RNE)
- Metering Equipment Report (UC_P_BAD_MEA_REP)
- Activate/Deactivate Metering Equipment (UC_P_BAD_MEA_ACT)
Manage Content (UC_P_MCO)¶

Functional Requirements: R1.1.1 Web-portal R1.1.3 Website R1.1.4 Mobile-App R1.10.2 Control - Web-Portal R1.10.3 Control- MobileApp R1.14.1 Building Data R1.14.5 Documentation R1.14.6 Comments R1.15.4 Country R1.15.7 Documentation R1.15.8 Reports R1.16.1 General information R1.16.2 Areas R1.16.3 Nominal heating power R1.16.4 Nominal cooling power R1.16.5 Nominal lighting power R1.16.6 People occupancy
Non-Functional Requirements: R2.1.1 Structure R2.1.2 Structure-Sitemap R2.1.3 Structure-Breadcrumbs R2.1.9 Consistency - Design R2.1.10 Consistency- Dialogues R2.1.11 Consistency - Functionality R2.1.12 User - Speed R2.1.13 User - Workload R2.1.14 Language R2.1.17 Error recovery R2.1.18 Error recovery - Undo R2.1.19 Error recovery - Default R2.2.1 Billing-Validity R2.2.2 Billing-Creation R2.2.3 Billing-FollowUp R2.2.4 Audit-Report R2.3.2 Internalisation - User R2.3.3 Personalisation - User R2.4.7 Users-Admin R2.4.8 Users-Staff R2.5.3 Extension R2.5.4 Completeness R2.6.1 Browser - Chrome10 & above R2.6.2 Browser - FireFox4 & above R2.6.3 Browser - IE6 R2.6.4 Browser - IE7 &above R2.6.5 Browser - Opera10 & above R2.6.6 Browser - Safari4 & above R2.6.7 App - Android R2.6.8 App - iOS R2.6.9 App - Win7 R2.7.3 Latency R2.7.4 Response Time
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Add Content (UC_P_MCO_ADD)¶

Functional Requirements: R1.1.1 Web-portal R1.1.3 Website R1.1.4 Mobile-App R1.10.2 Control - Web-Portal R1.10.3 Control- MobileApp R1.14.5 Documentation R1.14.6 Comments R1.15.4 Country R1.15.7 Documentation R1.15.8 Reports R1.15.1 General information R1.15.2 Areas R1.16.3 Nominal heating power R1.16.4 Nominal cooling power R1.16.5 Nominal lighting power
Non-Functional Requirements: R2.1.1 Structure R2.1.2 Structure-Sitemap R2.1.3 Structure-Breadcrumbs R2.1.9 Consistency - Design R2.1.10 Consistency- Dialogues R2.1.11 Consistency - Functionality R2.1.12 User - Speed R2.1.13 User - Workload R2.1.14 Language R2.1.17 Error recovery R2.1.18 Error recovery - Undo R2.1.19 Error recovery - Default R2.2.1 Billing-Validity R2.2.2 Billing-Creation R2.2.3 Billing-FollowUp R2.2.4 Audit-Report R2.3.2 Internalisation - User R2.3.3 Personalisation - User R2.4.7 Users-Admin R2.4.8 Users-Staff R2.5.3 Extension R2.5.4 Completeness R2.6.1 Browser - Chrome10 & above R2.6.2 Browser - FireFox4 & above R2.6.3 Browser - IE6 R2.6.4 Browser - IE7 &above R2.6.5 Browser - Opera10 & above R2.6.6 Browser - Safari4 & above R2.6.7 App - Android R2.6.8 App - iOS R2.6.9 App - Win7 R2.7.3 Latency R2.7.4 Response Time
Back to P/T - List of Scenarios
Update Content (UC_P_MCO_UPD)¶

Functional Requirements: R1.1.1 Web-portal R1.1.3 Website R1.1.4 Mobile-App R1.10.2 Control - Web-Portal R1.10.3 Control- MobileApp R1.14.1 Building Data R1.14.5 Documentation R1.14.6 Coments R1.15.4 Country R1.15.7 Documentation R1.15.8 Reports R1.15.1 General information R1.15.2 Areas R1.16.3 Nominal heting power R1.16.4 Nominal cooling power R1.16.5 Nominal lighting power R1.16.6 People occupancy
Non-Functional Requirements: R2.1.1 Structure R2.1.2 Structure-Sitemap R2.1.3 Structure-Breadcrumbs R2.1.9 Consistency - Design R2.1.10 Consistency- Dialogues R2.1.11 Consistency - Functionality R2.1.12 User - Speed R2.1.13 User - Workload R2.1.14 Language R2.1.17 Error recovery R2.1.18 Error recovery - Undo R2.1.19 Error recovery - Default R2.2.1 Billing-Validity R2.2.2 Billing-Creation R2.2.3 Billing-FollowUp R2.2.4 Audit-Report R2.3.2 Internalisation - User R2.3.3 Personalisation - User R2.4.7 Users-Admin R2.4.8 Users-Staff R2.5.3 Extension R2.5.4 Completeness R2.6.1 Browser - Chrome10 & above R2.6.2 Browser - FireFox4 & above R2.6.3 Browser - IE6 R2.6.4 Browser - IE7 &above R2.6.5 Browser - Opera10 & above R2.6.6 Browser - Safari4 & above R2.6.7 App - Android R2.6.8 App - iOS R2.6.9 App - Win7 R2.7.3 Latency R2.7.4 Response Time
Back to P/T - List of Scenarios
Delete Content (UC_P_MCO_DEL)¶

Functional Requirements: R1.1.1 Web-portal R1.1.3 Website R1.1.4 Mobile-App R1.10.2 Control - Web-Portal R1.10.3 Control- MobileApp R1.14.5 Documentation R1.14.6 Coments R1.15.4 Country R1.15.7 Documentation R1.15.1 General information R1.15.2 Areas R1.16.3 Nominal heting power R1.16.4 Nominal cooling power R1.16.5 Nominal lighting power
Non-Functional Requirements: R2.1.1 Structure R2.1.2 Structure-Sitemap R2.1.3 Structure-Breadcrumbs R2.1.9 Consistency - Design R2.1.10 Consistency- Dialogues R2.1.11 Consistency - Functionality R2.1.12 User - Speed R2.1.13 User - Workload R2.1.14 Language R2.1.17 Error recovery R2.1.18 Error recovery - Undo R2.1.19 Error recovery - Default R2.2.1 Billing-Validity R2.2.2 Billing-Creation R2.2.3 Billing-FollowUp R2.2.4 Audit-Report R2.3.2 Internalisation - User R2.3.3 Personalisation - User R2.4.7 Users-Admin R2.4.8 Users-Staff R2.5.3 Extension R2.5.4 Completeness R2.6.1 Browser - Chrome10 & above R2.6.2 Browser - FireFox4 & above R2.6.3 Browser - IE6 R2.6.4 Browser - IE7 &above R2.6.5 Browser - Opera10 & above R2.6.6 Browser - Safari4 & above R2.6.7 App - Android R2.6.8 App - iOS R2.6.9 App - Win7 R2.7.3 Latency R2.7.4 Response Time
Back to P/T - List of Scenarios
Building Administration (UC_P_BAD)¶

Functional Requirements: R1.1.1 Web-portal R1.1.2 Web-portal - Dashboard R1.1.3 Website R1.1.4 Mobile-App R1.1.5 Social Networks R1.1.6 Public Screen R1.1.7 TV R1.1.8 Email R1.1.9 SMS R1.1.10 Binary Signal R1.1.11 PDF R1.1.12 Poster R1.1.13 Paper R1.1.14 (Eco)Maps R1.1.15 Export-Table format R1.1.16 Export-Database R1.1.17 Access-Webservice R1.2.1 Resource-Electricity R1.2.2 Resource-Heating R1.2.3 Resource-Cooling R1.2.4 Resource-Water(warm) R1.2.5 Resource-Water(cold) R1.2.6 Resource-Water(grey) R1.2.7 Resource-Waste R1.2.8 Resource-Solar(Heat) R1.2.9 Resource-Solar(Electricity) R1.2.10 Resource-DistrictHeating R1.2.11 Resource-CO2 R1.2.12 Resource-Gas R1.2.13 Resource-Oil R1.2.14 Resource-Diesel R1.2.15 Resource-Biofuel R1.2.16 Currency R1.2.17 Occupancy-Room R1.2.18 Occupancy-Individuals R1.2.19 Status R1.2.20 Location R1.2.21 Environment-Weather R1.2.22 Environment-Temperature R1.2.23 Environment-Humidity R1.2.24 Environment-Carbon concentration R1.3.1 Continuous R1.3.2 Bars R1.3.3 Heat-Map R1.3.4 Piechart R1.3.5 Gauge R1.3.6 Rank R1.3.7 Tables R1.3.8 Representation-Scale R1.3.9 Representation-Animated R1.3.10 Cumulative-Time R1.3.11 Cumulative-Space R1.3.12 (Eco)Map R1.3.13 (Eco)Maps-3D R1.4.1 Time-Year R1.4.2 Time-semi-annually R1.4.3 Time-quarterly R1.4.4 Time-monthly R1.4.5 Time-weekly R1.4.6 Time-daily R1.4.7 Time-hourly R1.4.8 Time-30minutes R1.4.9 Time-15minutes R1.4.10 Time-minute R1.4.11 Time-FreeSetting R1.4.12 Space-Building R1.4.13 Space-Floor R1.4.14 Space-Room R1.4.15 Space-Zone R1.4.16 Space-Surface R1.4.17 Staff R1.4.18 Percentiles - weekly profile R1.4.19 Percentiles - daily totals R1.5.1 Surface R1.5.2 Average Building R1.5.3 Average Floor R1.5.4 Average Room R1.5.5 Average Zone R1.5.6 Average Staff R1.5.7 Similar Building R1.5.8 Similar Floor R1.5.9 Similar Room R1.5.10 Similar Zone R1.5.11 Similar Staff R1.5.12 Badges Building R1.5.13 Badges Floor R1.5.14 Badges Room R1.5.15 Badges Zone R1.5.16 Badges Staff R1.6.1 Mutliple Alert Settings R1.6.2 Multiple User Settings R1.6.3 Channel-Portal R1.6.4 Channel-Mail R1.6.5 Channel-SMS R1.6.6 Channel-Application R1.6.7 Maximum Threshold R1.6.8 Minimum Threshold R1.6.9 Events-Failure R1.6.10 Events-Peak R1.6.11 Events-Free R1.7.1 Consumption-Year R1.7.2 Consumption-Quarterly R1.7.3 Consumption-Month R1.7.4 Consumption-Week R1.7.5 Consumption-Day R1.7.6 Consumption-Hour R1.7.7 Minimal Demand R1.7.8 Absence R1.7.9 Peaks R1.7.10 Renewables R1.8.1 Advice - generic R1.8.2 Advice - dependent R1.8.3 Advice - project-based R1.8.4 Self assessment tool R1.8.5 Quiz R1.8.6 Video R1.8.7 Social Games R1.8.8 Forum R1.8.9 Chat R1.8.10 Banners R1.8.11 Poster R1.8.12 Pull-up R1.8.13 Email R1.8.14 Letter R1.8.15 Leaflet R1.8.16 Energy Coach R1.8.17 Events-Staff R1.8.18 Events-Kids R1.8.19 Consultation R1.8.20 QR-Code R1.9.1 Electricity R1.9.2 Electricity-Peak R1.9.3 Heating R1.9.4 Cooling R1.9.5 Water R1.9.6 Ventilation R1.9.7 Waste R1.9.8 Transportation R1.10.1 BMS-Access R1.10.2 Control - Web-Portal R1.10.3 Control- MobileApp R1.10.4 Control - SMS R1.10.5 Control - Unit R1.10.6 Control - Remote R1.10.7 Automatic - Occupancy Schedule R1.10.8 Automatic - Occupancy Current R1.10.9 Automatic - Heat demand R1.10.10 Automatic - Movement R1.10.11 Automatic - Air quality R1.10.12 Automatic - Weather R1.11.1 Temperature-Building R1.11.2 Temperature-Floor R1.11.3 Temperature-Room R1.11.4 Temperature-Zone R1.11.5 Humidity-Building R1.11.6 Humidity-Floor R1.11.7 Humidity-Room R1.11.8 Humidity-Zone R1.11.9 Ventilation-Building R1.11.10 Ventilation-Floor R1.11.11 Ventilation-Room R1.11.12 Ventilation-Zone R1.11.13 Lighting-Impact R1.11.14 Lightning-Outside R1.11.15 Lighting-Building R1.11.16 Lighting-Floor R1.11.17 Lighting-Room R1.11.18 Lighting-Zone R1.11.19 Fire Systems-Building R1.11.20 Fire Systems-Floor R1.11.21 Fire Systems-Room R1.11.22 Fire Systems-Zone R1.11.23 Security-Building R1.11.24 Security-Floor R1.11.25 Security-Room R1.11.26 Security-Zone R1.11.27 Computer equipment-Building R1.11.28 Computer equipment-Floor R1.11.29 Computer equipment-Room R1.11.30 Computer equipment-Zone R1.12.1 Prevention R1.12.2 Detection R1.12.3 Shaving R1.13.1 Use of renewables R1.13.2 Solar-Electricity R1.13.3 Solar-Heat R1.13.4 Wind R1.13.5 DCH R1.13.6 CHP R1.13.7 Tri-Generation R1.13.8 Hydropower R1.13.9 Biofuel R1.14.1 Building Data R1.14.2 Hardware administration R1.14.3 Meters administration R1.14.4 Alerts R1.14.5 Documentation R1.14.6 Comments R1.14.7 Periodic Reports R1.14.8 Dashboard configuration R1.15.1 Buildings R1.15.2 Zones R1.15.3 Municipalities R1.15.4 Country R1.15.5 Users R1.15.6 Dashboard configuration R1.15.7 Documentation R1.15.8 Reports R1.16.1 General information R1.16.2 Areas R1.16.3 Nominal heating power R1.16.4 Nominal cooling power R1.16.5 Nominal lighting power R1.16.6 People occupancy R1.16.7 Meteorological data
Non-Functional Requirements: R2.1.1 Structure R2.1.2 Structure-Sitemap R2.1.3 Structure-Breadcrumbs R2.1.4 Visualisation - Contrast R2.1.5 Visualisation - Signals R2.1.6 Visualisation - Elements R2.1.7 Visualisation - Colours R2.1.8 Visualisation - SizeChange R2.1.9 Consistency - Design R2.1.10 Consistency- Dialogues R2.1.11 Consistency - Functionality R2.1.12 User - Speed R2.1.13 User - Workload R2.1.14 Language R2.1.15 Language - Button R2.1.16 Feedback R2.1.17 Error recovery R2.1.18 Error recovery - Undo R2.1.19 Error recovery - Default R2.2.1 Billing-Validity R2.2.2 Billing-Creation R2.2.3 Billing-FollowUp R2.2.4 Audit-Report R2.3.1 Internalisation - System R2.3.2 Internalisation - User R2.3.3 Personalisation - User R2.4.1 Resource R2.4.2 Data Source R2.4.3 Building R2.4.4 Floor R2.4.5 Room R2.4.6 Zone R2.4.7 Users-Admin R2.4.8 Users-Staff R2.4.9 Preferences R2.5.1 Functional R2.5.2 Reproduction R2.5.3 Extension R2.5.4 Completeness R2.6.1 Browser - Chrome10 & above R2.6.2 Browser - FireFox4 & above R2.6.3 Browser - IE6 R2.6.4 Browser - IE7 &above R2.6.5 Browser - Opera10 & above R2.6.6 Browser - Safari4 & above R2.6.7 App - Android R2.6.8 App - iOS R2.6.9 App - Win7 R2.7.1 Capacity-Users R2.7.2 Capacity-Data (any) R2.7.3 Latency R2.7.4 Response Time R2.8.1 Failure - 1 year R2.8.2 Failure - 1 quarter R2.8.3 Failure - 1 month R2.8.4 Failure - 1 week
Back to P/T - List of Scenarios
Add New User (UC_P_BAD_ADD)¶

Functional Requirements: R1.1.1 Web-portal R1.1.3 Website R1.10.1 BMS-Access R1.10.2 Control - Web-Portal R1.15.5 Users R1.15.1 General information R1.15.2 Areas R1.16.3 Nominal heting power R1.16.4 Nominal cooling power R1.16.5 Nominal lighting power R1.16.6 People occupancy
Non-Functional Requirements: R2.1.1 Structure R2.1.2 Structure-Sitemap R2.1.3 Structure-Breadcrumbs R2.1.9 Consistency - Design R2.1.10 Consistency- Dialogues R2.1.11 Consistency - Functionality R2.1.12 User - Speed R2.1.13 User - Workload R2.1.14 Language R2.1.18 Error recovery - Undo R2.1.19 Error recovery - Default R2.2.1 Billing-Validity R2.2.2 Billing-Creation R2.2.3 Billing-FollowUp R2.2.4 Audit-Report R2.3.2 Internalisation - User R2.3.3 Personalisation - User R2.4.1 Resource R2.4.2 Data Source R2.4.3 Building R2.4.4 Floor R2.4.5 Room R2.4.6 Zone R2.4.7 Users-Admin R2.4.8 Users-Staff R2.4.9 Preferences R2.5.1 Functional R2.5.2 Reproduction R2.5.3 Extension R2.5.4 Completeness R2.6.1 Browser - Chrome10 & above R2.6.2 Browser - FireFox4 & above R2.6.3 Browser - IE6 R2.6.4 Browser - IE7 &above R2.6.5 Browser - Opera10 & above R2.6.6 Browser - Safari4 & above R2.6.7 App - Android R2.6.8 App - iOS R2.6.9 App - Win7 R2.7.3 Latency R2.7.4 Response Time
Back to P/T - List of Scenarios
Manage Alarms (UC_P_BAD_ALA)¶

Functional Requirements: R1.1.1 Web-portal R1.1.2 Web-portal - Dashboard R1.1.3 Website R1.2.19 Status R1.2.20 Location R1.3.1 Continous R1.3.12 (Eco)Map R1.6.1 Mutliple Alert Settings R1.6.2 Multiple User Settings R1.6.3 Channel-Portal R1.6.4 Channel-Mail R1.6.5 Channel-SMS R1.6.6 Channel-Application R1.6.7 Maximum Threshold R1.6.8 Minimum Threshold R1.6.9 Events-Failure R1.6.10 Events-Peak R1.6.11 Events-Free R1.10.1 BMS-Access R1.10.2 Control - Web-Portal R1.14.4 Alerts
Non-Functional Requirements: R2.1.1 Structure R2.1.2 Structure-Sitemap R2.1.3 Structure-Breadcrumbs R2.1.9 Consistency - Design R2.1.10 Consistency- Dialogues R2.1.11 Consistency - Functionality R2.1.14 Language R2.1.19 Error recovery - Default R2.2.1 Billing-Validity R2.2.2 Billing-Creation R2.2.3 Billing-FollowUp R2.2.4 Audit-Report R2.3.3 Personalisation - User R2.4.1 Resource R2.4.2 Data Source R2.4.3 Building R2.4.4 Floor R2.4.5 Room R2.4.6 Zone R2.4.9 Preferences R2.5.1 Functional R2.5.2 Reproduction R2.5.3 Extension R2.5.4 Completeness R2.6.1 Browser - Chrome10 & above R2.6.2 Browser - FireFox4 & above R2.6.3 Browser - IE6 R2.6.4 Browser - IE7 &above R2.6.5 Browser - Opera10 & above R2.6.6 Browser - Safari4 & above R2.6.7 App - Android R2.6.8 App - iOS R2.6.9 App - Win7 R2.7.3 Latency R2.7.4 Response Time
Back to P/T - List of Scenarios
Update Building Configuration (UC_P_BAD_UBC)¶

Functional Requirements: R1.1.1 Web-portal R1.1.3 Website R1.10.1 BMS-Access R1.10.2 Control - Web-Portal R1.11.1 Temperature-Building R1.11.2 Temperature-Floor R1.11.3 Temperature-Room R1.11.4 Temperature-Zone R1.11.5 Humidity-Building R1.11.6 Humidity-Floor R1.11.7 Humidity-Room R1.11.8 Humidity-Zone R1.11.9 Ventilation-Building R1.11.10 Ventilation-Floor R1.11.11 Ventilation-Room R1.11.12 Ventilation-Zone R1.11.13 Lighting-Impact R1.11.14 Lightning-Outside R1.11.15 Lighting-Building R1.11.16 Lighting-Floor R1.11.17 Lighting-Room R1.11.18 Lighting-Zone R1.11.19 Fire Systems-Building R1.11.20 Fire Systems-Floor R1.11.21 Fire Systems-Room R1.11.22 Fire Systems-Zone R1.11.23 Security-Building R1.11.24 Security-Floor R1.11.25 Security-Room R1.11.26 Security-Zone R1.11.27 Computer equipment-Building R1.11.28 Computer equipment-Floor R1.11.29 Computer equipment-Room R1.11.30 Computer equipment-Zone R1.14.1 Building Data R1.15.1 Buildings R1.15.2 Zones R1.15.3 Municipalities
Non-Functional Requirements: R2.1.1 Structure R2.1.2 Structure-Sitemap R2.1.3 Structure-Breadcrumbs R2.1.19 Error recovery - Default R2.2.1 Billing-Validity R2.2.2 Billing-Creation R2.2.3 Billing-FollowUp R2.2.4 Audit-Report R2.4.1 Resource R2.4.2 Data Source R2.4.3 Building R2.4.4 Floor R2.4.5 Room R2.4.6 Zone R2.4.9 Preferences R2.5.1 Functional R2.5.2 Reproduction R2.5.3 Extension R2.5.4 Completeness R2.6.1 Browser - Chrome10 & above R2.6.2 Browser - FireFox4 & above R2.6.3 Browser - IE6 R2.6.4 Browser - IE7 &above R2.6.5 Browser - Opera10 & above R2.6.6 Browser - Safari4 & above R2.6.7 App - Android R2.6.8 App - iOS R2.6.9 App - Win7
Back to P/T - List of Scenarios
Metering Equipment Administration (UC_P_BAD_MEA)¶

Functional Requirements: R1.1.1 Web-portal R1.1.3 Website R1.1.11 PDF R1.1.14 (Eco)Maps R1.1.15 Export-Table format R1.2.1 Resource-Electricity R1.2.2 Resource-Heating R1.2.3 Resource-Cooling R1.2.4 Resource-Water(warm) R1.2.5 Resource-Water(cold) R1.2.6 Resource-Water(grey) R1.2.7 Resource-Waste R1.2.8 Resource-Solar(Heat) R1.2.9 Resource-Solar(Electricity) R1.2.10 Resource-DistrictHeating R1.2.11 Resource-CO2 R1.2.12 Resource-Gas R1.2.13 Resource-Oil R1.2.14 Resource-Diesel R1.2.15 Resource-Biofuel R1.2.16 Currency R1.2.17 Occupancy-Room R1.2.18 Occupancy-Individuals R1.2.19 Status R1.2.20 Location R1.2.21 Environment-Weather R1.2.22 Environment-Temperature R1.2.23 Environment-Humidity R1.2.24 Environment-Carbon concentration R1.3.7 Tables R1.3.12 (Eco)Map R1.5.1 Surface R1.5.2 Average Building R1.5.3 Average Floor R1.5.4 Average Room R1.5.5 Average Zone R1.5.6 Average Staff R1.5.7 Similar Building R1.5.8 Similar Floor R1.5.9 Similar Room R1.5.10 Similar Zone R1.5.11 Similar Staff R1.5.12 Badges Building R1.5.13 Badges Floor R1.5.14 Badges Room R1.5.15 Badges Zone R1.5.16 Badges Staff R1.7.1 Consumption-Year R1.7.2 Consumption-Quarterly R1.7.3 Consumption-Month R1.7.4 Consumption-Week R1.7.5 Consumption-Day R1.7.6 Consumption-Hour R1.7.7 Minimal Demand R1.7.8 Absence R1.7.9 Peaks R1.7.10 Renewables R1.10.1 BMS-Access R1.10.2 Control - Web-Portal R1.10.5 Control - Unit R1.10.6 Control - Remote R1.11.1 Temperature-Building R1.11.2 Temperature-Floor R1.11.3 Temperature-Room R1.11.4 Temperature-Zone R1.11.5 Humidity-Building R1.11.6 Humidity-Floor R1.11.7 Humidity-Room R1.11.8 Humidity-Zone R1.11.9 Ventilation-Building R1.11.10 Ventilation-Floor R1.11.11 Ventilation-Room R1.11.12 Ventilation-Zone R1.11.13 Lighting-Impact R1.11.14 Lightning-Outside R1.11.15 Lighting-Building R1.11.16 Lighting-Floor R1.11.17 Lighting-Room R1.11.18 Lighting-Zone R1.11.19 Fire Systems-Building R1.11.20 Fire Systems-Floor R1.11.21 Fire Systems-Room R1.11.22 Fire Systems-Zone R1.11.23 Security-Building R1.11.24 Security-Floor R1.11.25 Security-Room R1.11.26 Security-Zone R1.11.27 Computer equipment-Building R1.11.28 Computer equipment-Floor R1.11.29 Computer equipment-Room R1.11.30 Computer equipment-Zone R1.12.1 Prevention R1.12.2 Detection R1.12.3 Shaving R1.13.1 Use of renewables R1.13.2 Solar-Electricity R1.13.3 Solar-Heat R1.13.4 Wind R1.13.5 DCH R1.13.6 CHP R1.13.7 Tri-Generation R1.13.8 Hydropower R1.13.9 Biofuel R1.14.1 Building Data R1.14.2 Hardware administration R1.14.3 Meters administration R1.14.4 Alerts R1.15.1 Buildings R1.15.2 Zones R1.15.3 Municipalities R1.16.1 General information R1.16.2 Areas R1.16.3 Nominal heating power R1.16.4 Nominal cooling power R1.16.5 Nominal lighting power R1.16.6 People occupancy R1.16.7 Meteorological data
Non-Functional Requirements: R2.1.1 Structure R2.1.2 Structure-Sitemap R2.1.3 Structure-Breadcrumbs R2.1.9 Consistency - Design R2.1.10 Consistency- Dialogues R2.1.11 Consistency - Functionality R2.1.12 User - Speed R2.1.13 User - Workload R2.1.14 Language R2.1.18 Error recovery - Undo R2.1.19 Error recovery - Default R2.2.1 Billing-Validity R2.2.2 Billing-Creation R2.2.3 Billing-FollowUp R2.2.4 Audit-Report R2.3.3 Personalisation - User R2.4.1 Resource R2.4.2 Data Source R2.4.3 Building R2.4.4 Floor R2.4.5 Room R2.4.6 Zone R2.5.2 Reproduction R2.5.3 Extension R2.6.1 Browser - Chrome10 & above R2.6.2 Browser - FireFox4 & above R2.6.3 Browser - IE6 R2.6.4 Browser - IE7 &above R2.6.5 Browser - Opera10 & above R2.6.6 Browser - Safari4 & above R2.6.7 App - Android R2.6.8 App - iOS R2.6.9 App - Win7 R2.7.2 Capacity-Data (any) R2.7.3 Latency R2.7.4 Response Time R2.8.1 Failure - 1 year R2.8.2 Failure - 1 quarter R2.8.3 Failure - 1 month R2.8.4 Failure - 1 week
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Register new Metering Equipment (UC_P_BAD_MEA_RNE)¶

Functional Requirements: R1.1.1 Web-portal R1.1.3 Website R1.10.1 BMS-Access R1.10.2 Control - Web-Portal R1.14.3 Meters administration
Non-Functional Requirements: R2.1.1 Structure R2.1.2 Structure-Sitemap R2.1.3 Structure-Breadcrumbs R2.1.9 Consistency - Design R2.1.10 Consistency- Dialogues R2.1.11 Consistency - Functionality R2.1.14 Language R2.1.18 Error recovery - Undo R2.1.19 Error recovery - Default R2.2.1 Billing-Validity R2.2.2 Billing-Creation R2.2.3 Billing-FollowUp R2.2.4 Audit-Report R2.4.1 Resource R2.4.2 Data Source R2.4.3 Building R2.4.4 Floor R2.4.5 Room R2.4.6 Zone R2.6.1 Browser - Chrome10 & above R2.6.2 Browser - FireFox4 & above R2.6.3 Browser - IE6 R2.6.4 Browser - IE7 &above R2.6.5 Browser - Opera10 & above R2.6.6 Browser - Safari4 & above R2.6.7 App - Android R2.6.8 App - iOS R2.6.9 App - Win7 R2.7.3 Latency R2.7.4 Response Time
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Metering Equipment Report (UC_P_BAD_MEA_REP)¶

Functional Requirements: R1.1.1 Web-portal R1.1.3 Website R1.1.11 PDF R1.1.15 Export-Table format R1.2.1 Resource-Electricity R1.2.2 Resource-Heating R1.2.3 Resource-Cooling R1.2.4 Resource-Water(warm) R1.2.5 Resource-Water(cold) R1.2.6 Resource-Water(grey) R1.2.7 Resource-Waste R1.2.8 Resource-Solar(Heat) R1.2.9 Resource-Solar(Electricity) R1.2.10 Resource-DistrictHeating R1.2.11 Resource-CO2 R1.2.12 Resource-Gas R1.2.13 Resource-Oil R1.2.14 Resource-Diesel R1.2.15 Resource-Biofuel R1.2.16 Currency R1.2.17 Occupancy-Room R1.2.18 Occupancy-Individuals R1.2.19 Status R1.2.20 Location R1.2.21 Environment-Weather R1.2.22 Environment-Temperature R1.2.23 Environment-Humidity R1.2.24 Environment-Carbon concentration R1.3.7 Tables R1.3.12 (Eco)Map R1.5.1 Surface R1.5.2 Average Building R1.5.3 Average Floor R1.5.4 Average Room R1.5.5 Average Zone R1.5.6 Average Staff R1.5.7 Similar Building R1.5.8 Similar Floor R1.5.9 Similar Room R1.5.10 Similar Zone R1.5.11 Similar Staff R1.5.12 Badges Building R1.5.13 Badges Floor R1.5.14 Badges Room R1.5.15 Badges Zone R1.5.16 Badges Staff R1.7.1 Consumption-Year R1.7.2 Consumption-Quarterly R1.7.3 Consumption-Month R1.7.4 Consumption-Week R1.7.5 Consumption-Day R1.7.6 Consumption-Hour R1.7.7 Minimal Demand R1.7.8 Absense R1.7.9 Peaks R1.7.10 Renewables R1.10.1 BMS-Access R1.10.2 Control - Web-Portal R1.12.1 Preventention R1.12.2 Detection R1.12.3 Shaving R1.13.1 Use of renewables R1.13.2 Solar-Electricity R1.13.3 Solar-Heat R1.13.4 Wind R1.13.5 DCH R1.13.6 CHP R1.13.7 Tri-Generation R1.13.8 Hydropower R1.13.9 Biofuel R1.14.1 Building Data R1.14.2 Hardware administration R1.14.4 Alerts R1.15.1 Buildings R1.15.2 Zones R1.15.3 Municipalities R1.15.1 General information R1.15.2 Areas R1.16.3 Nominal heting power R1.16.4 Nominal cooling power R1.16.5 Nominal lighting power R1.16.6 People occupancy R1.15.7 Metorological data
Non-Functional Requirements: R2.1.1 Structure R2.1.2 Structure-Sitemap R2.1.3 Structure-Breadcrumbs R2.1.9 Consistency - Design R2.1.10 Consistency- Dialogues R2.1.11 Consistency - Functionality R2.1.12 User - Speed R2.1.13 User - Workload R2.1.14 Language R2.4.1 Resource R2.4.2 Data Source R2.4.3 Building R2.4.4 Floor R2.4.5 Room R2.4.6 Zone R2.5.2 Reproduction R2.5.3 Extension R2.6.1 Browser - Chrome10 & above R2.6.2 Browser - FireFox4 & above R2.6.3 Browser - IE6 R2.6.4 Browser - IE7 &above R2.6.5 Browser - Opera10 & above R2.6.6 Browser - Safari4 & above R2.6.7 App - Android R2.6.8 App - iOS R2.6.9 App - Win7 R2.7.2 Capacity-Data (any) R2.7.3 Latency R2.7.4 Response Time R2.8.4 Failure - 1 week R2.8.4 Failure - 1 week R2.8.4 Failure - 1 week R2.8.4 Failure - 1 week
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Activate/Deactivate Metering Equipment (UC_P_BAD_MEA_ACT)¶

Functional Requirements: R1.1.1 Web-portal R1.1.3 Website R1.1.14 (Eco)Maps R1.2.1 Resource-Electricity R1.2.2 Resource-Heating R1.2.3 Resource-Cooling R1.2.8 Resource-Solar(Heat) R1.2.9 Resource-Solar(Electricity) R1.2.10 Resource-DistrictHeating R1.2.19 Status R1.2.20 Location R1.3.12 (Eco)Map R1.10.1 BMS-Access R1.10.2 Control - Web-Portal R1.10.5 Control - Unit R1.10.6 Control - Remote R1.11.1 Temperature-Building R1.11.2 Temperature-Floor R1.11.3 Temperature-Room R1.11.4 Temperature-Zone R1.11.5 Humidity-Building R1.11.6 Humidity-Floor R1.11.7 Humidity-Room R1.11.8 Humidity-Zone R1.11.9 Ventilation-Building R1.11.10 Ventilation-Floor R1.11.11 Ventilation-Room R1.11.12 Ventilation-Zone R1.11.13 Lighting-Impact R1.11.14 Lightning-Outside R1.11.15 Lighting-Building R1.11.16 Lighting-Floor R1.11.17 Lighting-Room R1.11.18 Lighting-Zone R1.11.19 Fire Systems-Building R1.11.20 Fire Systems-Floor R1.11.21 Fire Systems-Room R1.11.22 Fire Systems-Zone R1.11.23 Security-Building R1.11.24 Security-Floor R1.11.25 Security-Room R1.11.26 Security-Zone R1.11.27 Computer equipment-Building R1.11.28 Computer equipment-Floor R1.11.29 Computer equipment-Room R1.11.30 Computer equipment-Zone R1.14.3 Meters administration
Non-Functional Requirements: R2.1.1 Structure R2.1.2 Structure-Sitemap R2.1.3 Structure-Breadcrumbs R2.1.9 Consistency - Design R2.1.10 Consistency- Dialogues R2.1.11 Consistency - Functionality R2.1.12 User - Speed R2.1.14 Language R2.3.3 Personalisation - User R2.4.1 Resource R2.4.2 Data Source R2.4.3 Building R2.4.4 Floor R2.4.5 Room R2.4.6 Zone R2.6.1 Browser - Chrome10 & above R2.6.2 Browser - FireFox4 & above R2.6.3 Browser - IE6 R2.6.4 Browser - IE7 &above R2.6.5 Browser - Opera10 & above R2.6.6 Browser - Safari4 & above R2.6.7 App - Android R2.6.8 App - iOS R2.6.9 App - Win7 R2.7.3 Latency R2.7.4 Response Time R2.8.4 Failure - 1 week R2.8.4 Failure - 1 week R2.8.4 Failure - 1 week R2.8.4 Failure - 1 week
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